The quick-thinking actions of a good samaritan saved the lives of 13 ducklings outside a supermarket in south Norfolk at the weekend. 

Sarah Glover, 38, realised a whole flock of ducklings had made their way into a drain outside Morrisons in Diss on Sunday, March 26.

She had noticed a mother duck in the road quacking and noticed it was still "distressed" when she left the supermarket.

Diss Mercury: Sarah set to work lifting the manhole cover once she realised what was happening.Sarah set to work lifting the manhole cover once she realised what was happening. (Image: Morrisons at Diss Community Champions)

"At this point, I could hear the ducklings quacking loudly and frantically," Ms Glover explained.

"I noticed the storm drain cover on the bend of the road and took a look down it to discover lots of ducklings swimming at the bottom."

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A manager from the store came out and helped remove the cover so that Ms Glover could lift them out.

She continued: "They automatically knew to head straight to their mum who was waiting for them.

"To see them reunite was truly wonderful."

Diss Mercury: The flock of ducklings had fallen through the gaps in the manhole cover and had become stuck.The flock of ducklings had fallen through the gaps in the manhole cover and had become stuck.The flock of ducklings had fallen through the gaps in the manhole cover and had become stuck.The flock of ducklings had fallen through the gaps in the manhole cover and had become stuck. (Image: Morrisons at Diss Community Champions)

Although 12 were rescued, one had died and another was "clearly exhausted" and couldn't keep up with its siblings as their mum led them back to the river.

Ms Glover was determined to help the duckling though and took it home to help it.

Diss Mercury: Twelve of the ducklings were reunited with their mother.Twelve of the ducklings were reunited with their mother. (Image: Morrisons at Diss Community Champions)

"After three hours he was up, grooming, chirping and looking like the fluffy duckling he was meant to be," she said.

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Named Morris, Ms Glover took the youngster back to the area but couldn't find its family so took it to a lady who cares for animals before releasing them back into the wild.

Diss Mercury: One of the ducklings, later named Morris, was unable to keep up with the flock and was taken in by Sarah.One of the ducklings, later named Morris, was unable to keep up with the flock and was taken in by Sarah. (Image: Sarah Glover)

She added: "To know that 12 ducklings have the chance of a normal life with their mum and that Morris was able to be bought back to health and has the chance of wildlife made me feel so happy."

Staff from Morrisons will be giving Ms Glover a gift in the coming days as part of the Diss Community Champions programme.