The rate of repeat knife crime offenders in Norfolk increased in the past year, new figures show.

Ministry of Justice data show 201 knife and offensive weapon offenders were dealt with in the year to March.

Of these, 61 had a previous conviction or caution, meaning just over 30pc were committed by repeat offenders.

This was up by a quarter on the year before.

Patrick Green, chief executive of the Ben Kinsella Trust, which campaigns against knife crime, said: "The increasing number of repeat offenders with knife crime convictions is alarming."

He called for "crucial" investment in rehabilitation rather than simply locking people up to break the "cycle of reoffending".

READ MORE: Police see steep rise in people carrying knives in Norfolk

The overall number of knife and offensive weapon offences dealt with by the justice system in

Norfolk dropped from a total of 261 offences to 226.

However, more than one in 10 of knife and offensive weapon offenders were 10 to 17 years old.

"It's clear we are moving in the wrong direction. To effectively address knife crime, we must prioritise preventing young people from becoming involved in such violence," said Mr Green.