An NHS helpline for people in mental health crisis is set to receive a national roll-out after it was successfully pioneered in Norfolk.

The NHS First Response Service, which is available 24/7 through 111 option 2, was launched in the county during the Covid pandemic.

The helpline puts callers directly in touch with a mental health professional who can offer initial support and signpost them to further services in the community.

While many health organisations already have their own separate phone lines, this will be the first time these have been united under a single point of contact.

Helen Hardy, regional head of mental health at NHS England in the East, said: "We know more people than ever are struggling so it is crucial that, when needed, crisis support is easy and straightforward to access.

"We have been rolling out NHS 111 support for people with mental health issues across the East in recent years, so it is fantastic that this free, universal package of support through one phoneline is now fully established across the region and the rest of the country."