A council's large-scale group litter-picking event saw around 1,000 volunteers take part.

South Norfolk Council’s Big Litter Pick 2024 wrapped up with 20 local groups, clubs, and associations securing £200 each to put back into their communities.

The event saw around 1,000 volunteers participate in sixty litter picks across the district, amassing more than 750 bags of rubbish and recycling, weighing in at 5.3 tonnes.

Councillor Keith Kiddie, cabinet member for the environment, said: "South Norfolk is one of the best and most beautiful places to live in the country and I was delighted to see so many people getting involved in our litter picks, to help keep it that way.

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"Our residents’ hard work makes a real difference to our communities and I would also like to say congratulations to all of our winners."

All participating groups were entered into a draw, with winners receiving a slice of the £4,000 prize fund. Each partaking group was also given a £20 voucher.

South Norfolk Council supplied the required equipment and disposed of the accumulated waste. The council’s litter-picking resources remain accessible year-round for community use.